Friday 22 January 2016

you know that you've aged in years when...

...your kids invite you to their housewarming and all you are allowed to do is hold a mug of ice cold beer while everyone else takes care of the chores that you usually do during parties.

chores like cooking...

(i'd really love to cook in this brand new kitchen)

...and arranging flowers

or just simply clowning around

... when every one around the table looks younger than you

...when your kids can cook a better version of your recipes

...and salads are the only dish on the table that don't
have an adverse effect on your body chemistry.

...when your kids tell you not to indulge too much on the yummy ice cream cake that you know is the best because your wife made it.

...when you have a big granddaughter

who is large enough to fit in her aunt's dresses

...when you're not the first guy into the pool anymore.

but the first out of it because you can't stand the cold

...when balancing on these contraptions isn't as easy
as it seems to be.

... and when you can't steady your hands long enough for 
good night shots from the balcony of the condo.

Like they say - age is just a number, which i swear is true. How the people around you relegate you to a spectator from the usual performer that you are is another role that i will in time learn to play well.

Monday 4 January 2016

How to transition from the old year to the new

Essential ingredients for this activity: 
         1. one old year
         2. one new year
         3. two days and one night
         4. one Family
         5. a pint of wit 
         6. a dash of humor and
         7. all the love in the world

Make sure that all the members of the family are present. non-members may not join just so the attention on each participant will not be spread out too thin to the point of neglecting some legit member. Relatives, friends, neighbors and co-workers will have their time in the course of the year.

Move out of your residence for the moment. A place that you haven't been to and with awesome amenities is best to add a touch of thrill and intimacy. A suite on the 16th floor overlooking the most picturesque part of the resort will hold better memories.

Book a gala new year's dinner and dress up for it in comfortable casuals. Stiff and formal attire may be too restrictive for the dance that is part of this activity.

Join in the count-down activity while making sure that each family member is just an arms-length away. hugging and kissing is imperative at the stroke of 12. Make sure you indulge the alcoholic drinks moderately to give just the right amount of high without falling asleep too early.

Bedtime is flexible. Some games and more food and drink may cap the night before getting that well-earned sleep.

Wake up the next day anytime you want. Early, will give you a good dose of sunrise while waking up late will give more feeling to the holiday.

Enjoy your breakfast slowly. Make sure the family is all around one table. Offer to get food for someone and help each other out with unfinished food on the plate.

A swim or just lazing around the pool until check out time is the best way to maximize your stay.

After checking out, drive to a place where the family hasn't been to before. Crossing the Bhumibol bridge 1 & 2 will give a feeling of grandeur.

You can take a ferry across the Chao Phraya river to add thrill and excitement. It will also give a taste of how the pre-bridge era people went about their lives.

Exit the ferry and drive to a place that they call the "green lung of Bangkok." the satellite image shows why it is called as such. no malls, no commercial buildings, no parking lots, no congested streets, etc. just country roads and residential structures.

Coffee break at a quaint roadside shop will help shake off the hangover.

Drop by Bang Nam Pheung floating market and try out the slingshots. 

Head back over the same bridge but this time with a better view of the city of Bangkok.

Late lunch of delicious Mexican food and San Miguel beer at La Monita is one great way to end this activity. 

Note: The most important ingredient in this activity is the presence of God and that we acknowledge that He is the giver of life and happiness. 

Thank you Jesus for another year for this family!

Saturday 2 January 2016

a pedal-pusher's confession

Biking is euphoric, but not orgasmic... or maybe - yes.

the following contrasting scenarios prove the point:

first scene: 

8 hours of sitting at the office with your fingers at the keyboard. you shift your butt side-side and forward-back. you stretch a leg and then the other then you take a small stroll to the toilet and back. that's it!

second scene:

you jump on the saddle, kick the pedals and gain momentum through the river of cars. wind pushes on the face and ears. you try to beat the red light at the junction or pass a bus that has just left the bus stop. a high bridge looms before you and you climb it with your heart in a wild gallop. down the opposite side is a rush without a care in the world.

the year 2015 saw the following fulfilled:

1. total kilometers done: 3,524. for an idea on the distance, the  Aparri to Jolo road distance is 1,809km)
2. total elevation gained: 7,982 meters
3. total time on the saddle: 183:16:08
4. total number of trips: 102
5. weight lost: from 82 kg to 75.5 kg = 6.5kg gone
6. waist circumference reduction: 36 to 33 = 3 inches less
7. blood pressure stabilized at 130/75 when before it was 140/90
8. regular prostate massage = BPH gone and voiding is unhindered
9. number of accidents: 1 (had to brake hard to avoid a taxi that    stopped so suddenly, grazing a knee on the pavement in the process)

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