Monday 13 July 2015

the "Latter Rain" dilemma

The photo above makes a lot of sense when coupled with these words:
 “As I view what is happening in so many situations around the globe, I see that the end of time is upon us. The Lord is coming soon! God is working in an unusual way, and the latter rain is about to fall.Pres. Ted N. C. Wilson

“About to fall” means that it has not started raining yet. When there is no rain – it means a drought.

The photo was taken at the Alamodome where the SDA church had its meeting recently. The phrase quoted was also said at the same event by the president of this church himself. Knowingly or unknowingly he declared the exact condition of this church… no rain.

From Bangkal.. to Bukla.. to Bulacao.. to Bulacan… I have witness this attitude in the church of my birth. Only in my exit did I realize that this behavior in church does not hold true in groups where the members call themselves “born again Christians.” 

It doesn’t take a degree in theology to keep your audience awake and interested. You don’t need to be an entertainer or a standup comedian to hold the attention of your listeners.

All you need is the Holy Spirit moving inside the sanctuary and every action and uttered word will find its mark in the heart.

Saturday 11 July 2015

the SDA church declares... and denies.

I came across a recent article (July 2015) in the Adventist Review and this paragraph caught my eye:

“Instead let us focus on what realities we can change—a less than 3% growth rate among non-immigrant North Americans. Let us focus on the realities we must focus on—the bleeding of our youth out the back doors of our church at a rate of more than 50%. Instead of being irritated by what the world votes we may or may not do, let us be irritated to the point of action by the fact that there are an estimated 1 million former Adventists we must love back into the church. Instead of debating incessantly for change outside of the appropriate places for those debates, let us debate among ourselves how we can re-engage a largely inactive membership, so that our church attendance numbers are equal to our reported numbers.”

Such a short statement, but loaded with facts straight from the leadership of this church. An admission of sorts - so to speak.
       1. Growth rate in membership in the North American Division (not counting immigrants) is only 3%.
       2. The rate at which they are losing members from the youth sector through the “back door” is more than 50%.
       3. The number of former SDA members is estimated to be 1 million.
       4. The membership count reported by the church is bloated and untrue.

The article may seem a credible concern for the leaders, but there are some things that are obviously denied.
       1. Lost membership is not limited to the youth. The recent surge in defectors is from the work force rank and file. This includes ordained ministers, teachers and employees of the church’s companies, which certainly do not fall within the “youth” category.
       2. The exit is not through the “back door,” but rather via the front door when the member turns in a letter asking that his name be deleted from the records and sometimes with the church actively kicking out the ‘erring’ member.
       3. The method suggested to attract the former member is to “love them back into the church.” This denies the existing fact that the most common reason why members are defecting, is because of the unbiblical doctrines that originated from the prophetess, which contradict key points in the doctrine of salvation and grace. Loving the former member to make him come back is a losing proposition.

Here’s the link to the article:

Thursday 2 July 2015

Same sex marriage and science

The Bible and Science stand across a deep divide from each other when it comes to the topic “the Origin of Life.” Is this the same situation with the subject - “Same Sex Marriage?”

In the field of Animal Anatomy and Physiology, science tells us that there are 2 genders: male and female. There is no other gender in between. Gonadal hormones are also classified as such.

In the field of Engineering and Architecture, Science tells us that toilets are basic components of private and public structures. There is nothing in this field of science that basically incorporates a third structure outside the male/female concept (aside from toilets for the disabled which is sometimes used for both genders).

In the field of Psychiatry and Psychology, Science tells us that gender reassignment surgery may be a treatment for gender identity disorder, but not same sex-marriage.

In the field of Obstetrics and Animal Husbandry, Science tells us that the genitalia of both male and female are for procreation. Coitus is between the male and the female for the purpose of reproduction. This means that the penis was made for the vagina. The anus has another role and this is not unique for either gender.

In the field of no-science (the people that didn’t come under the influence of scientific knowledge – the illiterate and pre-school) does same sex union make sense? Any hillbilly who hasn’t been to school will tell you that a male horse that allows his arse to be penetrated by the horsehood of another male horse is exhibiting bizarre behavior - falling outside of the normal.

With this discourse it can be concluded that Science and the Bible now stand united. Same sex marriage can only find support with the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

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