Sunday 17 August 2014

Touched by Jesus

“I am healed! I am healed!!”

This scene could have been by the pool of Bethesda during the time of Jesus, but not quite so. I am the one shouting, and this happened just last Sunday after church. Even now as I type, I am in tears from the awesome thought that my Lord and Savior touched me.

This is not the first time that I have been miraculously healed. The first episode – 7 years ago, was for a nagging peptic ulcer that bled occasionally and kept me miserable for more than 20 years. Jesus used brother Yun – the Chinese “Heavenly Man” to heal me just before we migrated to Thailand where the food is hot and spicy.

Let me first give you a background of who I am in relation to these miracles that have happened to me.

I am a third generation Seventh-day Adventist, a physician without any firsthand experience in miraculous healings. I used to view miracles (healing crusades on TV and miracles at places like Lourdes, France where crippled people walk home) with disdain and unbelief. The reason is because the guys involved in these miracles belong to “Sunday-churches,” and I was brought up in my church doctrines stating that those who worship on Sunday have the “mark of the beast” and belong to Satan.

Now back to last Sunday’s miracle. After the church service, as usual, I was at the juice station for my cup of juice when a white guy greeted me and asked me if I had pain in my legs while pointing at my left thigh. I’m not surprised if someone asks me that question because I know that I walk with a slight limp and so I answered, yes. He then asked if I wanted healing and that he could pray for me.

This stranger is casually dressed, had a bible in a worn case and he looks like he’s in his early twenties. I had to suppress my initial reaction to ask more questions about who he is, and instead I nod my head and he proceeds to bend over and places his hand on lateral aspect of my left thigh and he starts praying. This is happening while a lot of people are milling around and filling their cups with juice.

He finished his short prayer and I thank him. I gulp down my juice and was about to leave when he tapped me on my shoulder and asked if I had pain in my right leg. He explained that he suddenly felt pain in his right leg and he knew someone near him had it. I laughed and told him that I was also hurting perennially in that side. After the second prayer I knew I had to ask some questions.

His name is Jeremy and he was from California. He happened to be at ECB – my church, while he was making preparations to deploy to Southern China in a week. He was volunteering to serve the underground church there.

Similar to my experience with Brother Yun, I didn’t immediately feel the effect of my healing. About 2 hours from that encounter at the juice station, I was walking in the mall when suddenly my left lower extremity from the hip down to the toes became numb and felt detached.  I tried slapping my thighs but I couldn’t feel anything. This happened for about 5 minutes before the numbness spontaneously disappeared.

Today – one day after the episode with Jeremy, and I’m still waiting for the usual pain to reappear. I can climb the stairs now without pain and even if I sat for 3 hours last night in a cramp position by my computer, I don’t feel the pain anymore. I got out of bed this morning like I didn’t have a previous tiring day.

Hallelujah! I am healed, and my heart cannot stop singing praises to my Savior – Jesus.

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