Sunday 1 July 2012

Noah's missus goes a diving

Noah courted and wooed the missus when she was 16 years old – and that was 32 years before the flood. In those days the only sport she knew was fashion modeling – if you consider that a sport.

Three months before the flood the missus tries running marathons and 7 months after the flood she takes up scuba diving and loves it - all these done at the threshold of her golden years.

Some say she’s a late-blooming flower for sports, and amazingly what is happening now is beyond Noah’s wildest dreams. Infatuation rarely peaks in a man more than once in his married life, but Noah thinks the missus’ recent feats warrant his wooing for the second time.

“Marry me… will ya?”


  1. this trip was on the drawing board 6 months before execution and at that time the missus had never tried swimming in her entire life. bathing in the sea was strictly restricted to depths at the level of her belly button and infrequent dips would be made to keep the hair wet, but that's it, nothing deeper.

    with the plans shaping up the demands of the trip made it necessary for her to learn how to swim or at least float, and so 3 months before the trip she bought a swim suit, goggles and a swim cap and became a regular visitor at the city homes pool.

    one week in the pool and she was already like a fish trying different moves. This lady is simply awesome!

  2. great album!!! and yes - your wife is one determined lady... but she was a natural and quite easy to teach!

  3. fantastic!!! Love love this...Congrats Jo Ann......

  4. thanks Gigi... i guess i'll get some DNA samples from her and compare it with the dolphin's and maybe we can get a good explanation for your statement. hehehe.

  5. bff tune... if you have time since it's summer why don't you get yourself a mask and snorkel and practice at the pool. you have at least 12 months to practice before our trip to coron. hehehe

  6. how cute is this? naay nemo pa gyud


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