Monday 29 August 2011


This word is not just weird, it also sounds so pitiful. The synonyms listed include forbearing, patient, tolerant, selfless, forgiving, etc., which show that this long word might as well be a deaf-blind-mute inhabitant of Wicked City or it could be mistaken for a cowardly cretin void of the brains to engage people head-on.

By human nature this is not an inherent value nor is it a built-in trait in the DNA of the Homo sapiens. Self-preservation and survival – an instinctive behavior of mammals, does not have longsuffering in its vocabulary and in this unforgiving world this attribute could well be considered a threatened and endangered trait.

So why the discussion about it? I will confess that unconsciously I have been coming to understand the mystery of this 13-letter word or should I say that this thing could be surreptitiously planting its roots in me.

Definitely I’m not the guy portrayed in the opening paragraph and my personality type absolutely doesn’t have longsuffering as one of the given attributes. My lengthy unwritten record of angrily snapping at people will tell you that this couldn’t be me now. I can't blame the aging process either, because there is a tendency for the ‘elderly’ to be less patient and more demanding.

With all the humanistic possibilities eliminated I can only turn to the Bible for answers to this phenomenon and Galatians 5:22 readily gives this explanation: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance… There you are – the 4th fruit in the basket of godly values.

This explains it – 8 years ago in the month of August, this guy was blessed to be "born again" in the Holy Spirit and obviously its fruit is now growing in him.

Longsuffering? You may look down on one who has this trait, but there's no doubt that you would want to be around him on any manic day (whilst the boss is hurling verbal abuse:-)).

Saturday 27 August 2011

you're not done with me yet

Spanish blood in my veins, family pride in my head.
Brought up by Catholic nuns, with godly values bred.
Had many friends sincere, true and honestly loving
The pedestal whereupon I stood kept me ever trusting.

I saw myself with a respectable position in society.
Worked hard for it and took pride in my own propriety.
I imagined my colleagues holding me in high esteem
A good distance between the scum and the cream.

I found You and in the process fell off my lofty perch.
Lost my job and some friends from the SDA church.
You have to be born again - this in the Bible I did see,
But never did I expect how painful the rebirth would be.

Now I’m between raging volcano and crashing surf,
Chopped up by scathing words well within my turf.
Thrashed and bruised by a lashing tongue fed by lies
Only your Spirit took hold of my anger on the rise.

You know my heart and the tears that I have cried.
I know you want me pure like gold in the fire tried.
Keep me humble oh Lord and help me not to fret
Jesus, I know you’re not done with me yet.

Friday 12 August 2011

my sweet running lady

This gorgeous damsel as everyone can see
for sports and running was never meant to be.
Muscle stuff and sweat was not her type of fun
not even jogging, swimming or biking in the sun.

Running marathons had no place in her mind
Fashion stage and catwalk was where you'll find
Eyes on the dame as she sashayed on the ramps
Jaw-dropping beauty in the glare of the lamps.

Time was when her face adorned fashion mags
While modeling clothes and stuff of pricey tags
Barely a muscle on arms and legs could be seen
A figure that could make a royal princess go green.

It's a wonder how time as changed the scene
Hot concrete streets, dust and smoke so mean
Up early each morning at half past five o'clock
You'll catch her running by the railroad track.

You've come a long way my mile pumping lass
From silvery stiletto to Nike crushing grass
Your shapely body still has that form so divine
Till the stars don't shine forever you are mine.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

how to run a marathon

I met this lady when she was 6 years old and I was 13. She was a lanky, wide-eyed attractive and charming kid with the potential for a beauty queen. Fast forward 10 years (30 years ago) - she was swept into my embrace and has not let go ever since.

After all these years she finally consented to join me in my runs and marathons, and I intend to update this album every time another episode comes along.

So if you really want to know how to do a marathon – read on. Have fun!

first you have to get the right running shoes. If you are used to stilettos the rubber soles would feel soo good.

next... train

and train...

even if it means waking up at 5 AM to run with a train

across the mighty chao phraya river is the best running track.
no smoke and traffic.

be sure you get the right nutrition for muscle build-up

warming up for the first-ever run

the support team

waiting for the starting horn. This run was for the 
birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit

at the sukhumvit - asoke junction maintaining the momentum

out-running some kids who weren't taking it seriously

That's it keep the pace

at Rama IV in the home stretch


the final turn to the finish line

a victory hug with faces all flushed from the exertion.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Long Legged Legs

It is not quite often that someone comes along
A life of intrigue like cryptic lyrics of a song.
Unknown tales and fables behind the pretty face
Lies beyond my grasp like a dead-end in a maze.

“Long legged legs” is about the best way to describe
What you see is what you get - a scene to imbibe.
A ready smile and full-throated laugh she’ll give
Just like she has all of life and happiness to live.

She runs like the wind without a care in the world
Hair dancing and flying like a grand flag unfurled
You might surmise the presence of testosterone
Fine moustache on her face half a cm has grown.

I could write and tell about her a year and a day
She’s a runner, an avid scuba diver suffice it to say
These descriptions at best may seem like flattery
Notwithstanding all these she’s still a mystery to me.

(Cheery Chette Bacabis-Nillos)

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