Tuesday 19 January 2010

Diving Pattaya

What a perfect day to die! oops sorry I left out the "v"... it should be DIVE!

January 16 and 17 was my weekend off and I was at Pattaya for 2 nights and 2 days... had 4 dives.

The most beautiful things that God created are below sea level and can only be viewed through a diver's mask. I wouldn't mind being transformed into a merman... not maid.

The photos are limited to shots taken above the water... that's as far as my old point and shoot can safely go. Next project: underwater cam!


  1. Adam B.... reminded me of a jolly good friend.

  2. ok ang bisdak uncle. bag-ong karaang new republic!

  3. Next to 'Have fun!' should carry this warning -

    "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."

  4. Happy signs of approval from very satisfied multicultural customers. One's imagination just runs riot as to what was served and indulged aside adventure underwater.

  5. I think this was the best part... yummmm

  6. If I'm not wrong, this was the "what-am-I-doing-here" part of the dive.

  7. Sun, I really didn't know there was this daredevil, adrenalin-junkie in you all along. Great adventure, for sure.

  8. Wa, this thing started when I was about 20 months old. my parents left me and Ethel at the beach a good distance from the water but a wave managed to snatch me and I had to be resuscitated back from Nirvana... that was my first dive and I got hooked.

  9. Bai Wa, you could stretch your imagine from the nights out at Pattaya to the contents of the ice chest and the six ladies who were with us diving. I purposely didnt take photos of those things to keep my image pure and undefiled. lol

  10. Bai Wa, you could stretch your imagine from the nights out at Pattaya to the contents of the ice chest and the six ladies who were with us diving. I purposely didnt take photos of those things to keep my image pure and undefiled. lol

  11. Now I'm a wreck. I tend to imagine so many things that would only incriminate me. Slow down and take it easy, Bai Sun. This wild lifestyle of yours belie the creaky age we're in and that just amazes me. I think I might go bungee jumping one of these days.

  12. Tina... if you'll check out Katya on picture # 13 you will see that she's exactly your size and yet she was so comfy with all the gear and heavy stuff on her... she took to the water like a mermaid. it's not about music - love of your life, but you can try it out one of these days.

  13. tol enjoyed this set of phots..amazing..a dream come true to be able to do this. You are in one of the best places in the world to scuba dive...glad to know you are having fun doing this.


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