Monday 28 December 2009

Christmas @ Sanam Luang

Sanam Luang is one of the many big parks in Bangkok, and it is home for the homeless, space for a large thieves' market, and the venue for all royalty celebrations and special occasions in the Buddhist calendar. Sanam Luang may be what Luneta is to the Filipinos.

This Christmas it became the target of ECB missions in a program we called "feeding the homeless." I signed in for the occasion and Pastor Rey suggested that I bring along a guitar. Since it was a working day for me I lugged the guitar to work and then simply caught the 203 bus at 5 pm to join the group who were already in the thick of the event.

I'm still in my office shirt and tie in the photos.

We felt the presence of God so strong in our midst and there was nothing like it ever before in my life. Thanks Nobu for the photos and Tina for the guitar... God be praised!

 Kailee's most recent thoughts - November 30, 2022 Hi loloooo Enter Kailee I know this is really sudden but I just wanted to show you th...