Wednesday 25 November 2009

Koh Samed

koh = island]

6 months ago Kukie - my bunso, was already scouting the web for an island retreat. Two of her friends from Pinas were coming and they wanted to have a different kind of experience. I took this opportunity to "get away from it all," so I tagged along... and obviously I was the only male [senior citizen] in the group.

Koh Samed - not Koh Samal, is an island off the coast of Rayong, a southeastern province of Thailand. It is a 3-hour drive from Bangkok and then an hour by local boat or 20 minutes by speed boat to any of the beaches around the island.

We missed Jaypea and Nok on this trip.


  1. Whoa, you must have a good connection down under. By the looks of it, I'm reminded of The Doobie Brothers...;-)

  2. Bai, layo ra kaayo ang Bondi Beach dire compared to this scene.

  3. Akong favourite, escabeche!!!!!

  4. mao nay ideal katawan sa 50 something.

  5. How sweet. Did you get lucky though?

  6. murag puro ra mana white sand bai.

  7. Well, it's about time this plant be given its right recognition for its intrinsic importance to humanity. Its inherent panacean effect to almost all sickness and diseases has been unfairly eclipsed by gross misuse and ignorance.
    Don't bogart the joint, man...;-)

  8. My back's a lot better now, thanks bro. Here pass it to Soli... A picture of us old men having tokes, this time for medical reasons...;-)


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