Saturday 29 March 2008

w4eo - watching out for each other

The fish was the symbol of the early christian church established by the disciples. 2 fishes signify a buddy system. the pointed borders represent MVC's oppressive and persecutive policies.

W4eo is an underground group of Christian students enrolled in Mountain View College, Philippines - a boarding school. This school outlaws any student organization that is not SDA in faith. It prohibits and punishes students [not SDA] who meet to worship or pray. All students enrolled are forced by policy to attend morning and evening worship in the dormitories and in church services on Saturdays. It doesnt matter whether you are Islam, Buddhist or Christian, you will be fined or forced to do unpaid labor for worship absences. [see blog article: God's Mountain Village]

This school has an excellent record with regards to national licensure exams for nursing students, hence many non-SDA parents prefer that their children study here notwithstanding the oppression and persecution. The non-SDA enrollee surrenders his basic human right to worship God as soon as he signs the contract upon acceptance. From then on through the 4 - 5 years that he is enrolled, the school holds his religious rights hostage, to be released only when he violates the contract and is expelled or when he finally graduates.

There is virtually no religious freedom here.

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