Wednesday 28 January 2015

welcome 2015 - the year of the goat

the goat it is, but to open the year we were bonding with the deer. 2 days and 3 nights at the Es·Ta·Te camping resort and Khao Kheow open zoo was the best way to break into the new year.

Thursday 1 January 2015

The swine: don’t touch don’t eat

The book of Leviticus in the bible outlines the animals that the ancient Israelites were not supposed to touch/eat. For the SDA, the swine/pig has received the highest distinction of being the most detestable and abominable as can be noted in their doctrines and daily postings in FB.

One thing that they teach is that eating of the swine’s flesh or pork will definitely bar one from life eternal. In other words, one is doomed the moment he eats pork and this applies to all humanity. 

Is this really what the bible teaches? Let’s investigate this from the Christian and biblical point of view.

What is this law and who commanded it and to whom? (Leviticus 11)

what about the swine/pig?

what is the consequence of eating the forbidden meat?

For what reason was the food laws given? (Deuteronomy 14)

were these laws given to the people who lived before the Sinai event? (Deuteronomy 5)

were these laws given to the non-Israelites? (Ephesians 2)

It is clear that the food laws were part of the Old Covenant that God gave exclusively to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai.

When Jesus established the New Covenant - his blood, what happened to the food laws in particular and the Old Covenant in general? (Hebrews 8)

What now about the Old Covenant food laws deemed "unclean?" (Acts 10)

How is food addressed now in the New Covenant? (Romans 14)

(Colossians 2)

a friend reasoned out that since we are not commanded to eat pork he might as while not eat just to take the benefit of doubt and stay on the safe side of salvation. Does the bible address this type of reasoning? (Romans 14)

does the bible say anything about those who teach about abstaining from eating pork? (1 Timothy 4)

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