Friday 2 November 2012

A basket of crabs

Red crabs, orange crabs, green crabs blue,
Freshwater, marine and soft-shelled too.
Tiny ones that burrow in the sandy beach
scurrying like spiders always out of reach.
The best about crabs is when they’re in the pot.
Stewed in thick coco milk is the tastiest shot
Curry or steamed their orange shells showing
A feast with a hammer that does the cracking.

The worst about crabs is a dozen in a basket
each one trying to reach the top of the bucket
One lucky fella almost reaching the top
a yank at his breeches and he falls with a flop.

Filipinos transplanted in some off-shore job
Like skittering crabs grappling in a tub
One does a little better than all the rest
The others pull him down and end his quest.

Crabs and some Filipinos they may seem alike
Pulling or pushing each other across the dike
The presence of envy so strong in the mind
for this reason that peace they hardly find.

 Kailee's most recent thoughts - November 30, 2022 Hi loloooo Enter Kailee I know this is really sudden but I just wanted to show you th...