Monday 3 January 2011

kui buri @ prachuap kirikhan

This album could have been entitled “New Year 2011 weekend” if not for the fact that all five of us – jo ann, jp, nok, kukie and myself were on duty on the 1st day of the year. Saturday – January 1, we were all physically present at work, but obviously our minds were out on the beach.

Kui Buri is a neighbor city of Hua Hin and is 200 km south of Bangkok through a well paved and maintained 6-lane highway. It could be reached by bus, train and car, but this time we got a van for the whole trip. The photos will tell you the rest of the story. The details of the story are at the base of the photos.

Thank you Jesus for allowing me to enjoy my family while I still can. This trip was for your honor and glory!!

 7 am and we are ready to leave. kailee may have been excited, but the adults admitted that getting out of the work routine for 2 days was really rewarding.

 wayfarer was the in-thing except for kailee.

 first stop at a Buddhist monastery...this impatient baby elephant insisted on taking the whole pack of sugarcane in one gulp.

 lunch at a beach resto...

 khao pad khai, pla tod,

 Kui Buri Hotel and Resort

 we had 2 adjacent connecting rooms @ 1,400baht/room + breakfast buffet for 2. an additional bed cost 500baht + free breakfast.

 the villas and pool

 the main hotel buildling

 the restaurant on the far end

 kai taking the plunge

 mom and child trying to look relaxed

 "hey mom I can do the split!"

 @ hua hin in a flirtuous pose

 a street @ hua hin

 our dinner @ hua hin

 tom yum goong

 a street in hua hin like khao sarn

 christmas gifts for each one...kailee was dead tired from the swim

family pose after opening the gifts

 6 am the following day I was up early to capture the sunrise

  clouds/smog in the distance hid the sun at the earlier phase of its rise. quite disappointing.

 I was wishing a boat would pass to give more meaning to the photo.

 the calm and colored gulf of Siam

 peace at its best definition. this resort was the only one on this stretch of beach unlike in pattaya and hua hin where resorts are adjacent to each other and where you bump into someone every few meters.

 this lady was attacked by two killer whales. a third killer whale went for the other lady in the top left corner.

 I don't know what this guy's up to

 water skiing I guess

 or just trying to make a big impression

 this bouquet is dedicated to warren

 a ship wreck survivor washed ashore

 just can't get enough

 "miss, can I have your number pls?

 I finally caught up with a model

 can't tell top from bottom

 breakfast buffet

 table's clean even after 4 plates

 most loved photo of the trip

 I wish I could eat b-fast here every day

 that's my salad

 lunch at hua hin on the way home

 kukie's plate

the cat that followed me for 2 hours until kukie shooed it off. I bet this feline liked fish very much.

 Kailee's most recent thoughts - November 30, 2022 Hi loloooo Enter Kailee I know this is really sudden but I just wanted to show you th...