Saturday 17 December 2011

The Sunday Law

Many Seventh-day Adventists, if not all, subconsciously have this prophecy as the foundation of their faith and hopes, and they know that its fulfillment will prove that the church is right, and that all detractors of the prophecy’s author - Ellen G. White, are wrong.

Every move of the Catholic Church and the United States government towards the enactment of this law is watched and hailed as a milestone to the truth. This fact is proven by the unceasing forwarding to co-members or to the unconvinced member of recent and updated events on this issue.

What many are uninformed of are the circumstances that will lead to its ratification and enforcement as outlined by the author of this prophecy. Here are the facts:

Calamities Blamed on "God’s People"

“Calamities will come—calamities most awful, most unexpected; and these destructions will follow one after another. If there will be a heeding of the warnings that God has given, and if churches will repent, returning to their allegiance, then other cities may be spared for a time. But if men who have been deceived continue in the same way in which they have been walking, disregarding the law of God and presenting falsehoods before the people, God allows them to suffer calamity, that their senses may be awakened. {Mar 176.2}
The judgments will be according to the wickedness of the people and the light of truth that they have had. If they have had the truth, according to that light will be the punishment. {Mar 176.3}
Satan puts his interpretation upon the events, and they [leaders] think, as he would have them that the calamities which fill the land are a result of Sunday-breaking. Thinking to appease the wrath of God these influential men make laws enforcing the Sunday observance. They think that by exalting this false rest-day higher and still higher, compelling obedience to the Sunday Law, the spurious Sabbath they are doing God service. Those who honor God by observing the true Sabbath are looked upon as disloyal to God, when it is really those who thus regard them who are themselves disloyal, because they are trampling underfoot the Sabbath originated in Eden.” {Mar 176.4}

As anyone can see it is clear that the conception of the Sunday law will be brought about by the increase in the calamities brought about by Mother Nature. Let’s take a good look at her activities in the last forty years.

A look at some of the deadliest natural disasters around the world since 1970:

· 2011: Tsunami hits eastern Japan - 15,842 deaths, 3,485 people missing
· 2005-08: Tornado death average [USA] – 62 deaths per year.
· May 2008: Earthquake (magnitude 7.9) hits Sichuan province in central China. 32,000 are killed.
· May 2008: Cyclone Nargis strikes Myanmar, killing more than 80,000 and leaving an additional 30,000 missing.
· October 2006: Southern Leyte mudslide kills 1,126.
· October 2005: Northern Pakistan earthquake (magnitude 7.6) kills about 80,000 people.
· August 2005: U.S. Gulf Coast Hurricane Katrina kills at least 1,600 people in Louisiana and Mississippi.
· December 2004: Indian Ocean tsunami (triggered by magnitude 9.0 earthquake) kills 230,000 in a dozen countries.
· December 2003: Southeastern Iran earthquake (magnitude 6.5) kills26,000.
· August 1999: Western Turkey earthquake (magnitude 7.4) kills 17,000.
· November 1998: Hurricane Mitch killed 11,000 in Honduras.
· October 1998: Central America Hurricane Mitch kills 9,000.
· November 1991: Ormoc city flashflood kills at least 8,000.
· April 1991: Bangladesh cyclone kills 140,000.
· June 1990: Northwestern Iran earthquake (magnitude 7.7) kills 50,000.
· November 1985: a volcano in Colombia kills 25,000.
· July 1976: Northeastern China earthquake (magnitude 8.2) kills 240,000, with some estimates at 655,000.
· August 1971: Storms in Vietnam kill 100,000.
· November 1970: Bangladesh cyclone kills 300,000. World's deadliest cyclone on record.
[Source: Yahoo]

With all these calamities taking place it is certain that it won’t be long before the leaders of this world [science and political] will meet to determine why the escalation of natural calamities. If the prophecy on the Sunday law is true the world leaders will make these following pronouncements soon:

1. God is very angry and he has to be appeased.
2. The reason he is angry is because there is a small group of people who are worshiping on Saturday and not on Sunday.
3. It is necessary to compel these people to worship on Sunday.
4. The passing of the Sunday law is the solution.
5. The calamities will cease if these people will start worshiping on Sunday.

With this declaration the world leaders would have to justify the following:
1. Why they picked out the Seventh-day Adventist of all the 6.6 billion people of the world. There are about 4 billion who do not believe in a Trinity God, neither do they worship on Sunday. So why single out the 14 million SDA?
2. Why the sudden theory shift from global warming [storms] and movement of tectonic plates [earthquakes] to a theory on the wrath of God on a Sabbath-keeping group that is not even .001 percent of the world population?
3. Why they would have to bind the billion Islam, Buddhists, Hindu, and the other non-Sunday worshipers under the Sunday law when it is only the SDA that is allegedly causing the calamities.

I will not venture to make a conclusion but leave this open-ended. I would rather encourage you to make your conclusion and may God guide your thoughts as you seriously ponder on these facts.

Your friend in Jesus,


Monday 12 December 2011


The Bible teaches a thing such as “sealing” or a process wherein God stamps a seal on a person He considers the property of the Kingdom of God. This seal is a guarantee that the person will be taken up to heaven when he dies or when Jesus comes to finally put an end to sin. (“…who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession…” Eph1:14)

Furthermore, the Bible teaches that this sealing process is an ongoing thing and happens every time somebody professes faith or belief in the gospel. (“And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed…” v.13)

This seal according to the Bible is not a visible stamp nor is it an act or a certain day of the week, but actually it is the third godhead – the Holy Spirit, that is stamped on the soul of the believer and establishes God’s ownership. (“… you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit…” v.13). Evidence of the seal is seen as the bearing of fruit and not the observance of certain laws or traditions. (“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness…” Gal5:22)

I was born and raised in a church that teaches that God’s seal is the seventh day in the weekly calendar – Saturday, and that the sealing will only start after Investigative Judgment in Heaven and the passing of a National Sunday Law in the United States of America. This church also claims that those who go to church on the first day of the week – Sunday, are sealed by the great deceiver – Satan.

One problem I have about their doctrine is that it is not at all supported by the Bible. There is not one single verse in God’s holy book that says that the believer – the saved, is sealed because of his allegiance to the seventh day of the week or that the person becomes Satan’s property when he goes to church on the first day of the week.

The Bible explicitly teaches that the Holy Spirit is God’s seal and this is acquired by the act of simple faith in the gospel while the Seventh-day Adventist Church declares the Bible a lie by teaching that Saturday is God’s seal – not the Holy Spirit. I don’t know why my friends in this church refuse to see this truth.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

diving laem mae phim pinnacle

This dive site is located about an hour's boat ride from the coast of rayong province in thailand. it is not listed in the dive sites that dive shops in pattaya offer for fun dives and to get to laem mae phim one has to take a 4-hour car ride from bangkok. this site is a coveted dive site by local thai divers and our invitation to dive here couldn't be turned down. this one is near koh samet.

the dive coincided with king Bhumibol's birthday and my beloved wife's vacation to the philippines. this album will differ from my usual dive albums with more photos taken topside. the underwater photos were done by a guy who was not in the mood for taking photos hence the shots are mainly showing tanks, butts, fins, etc.

when the missus left for the philippines she took with her my dive cam - canon g12, and that's why i can't show any photos of the beauty that greeted my eyes on the 3 dives.

divers have sworn to be guardians of
marine life including the fish in
this bucket and yet one doesn't have
to fight off temptation always. lol

Saturday 26 November 2011


this vacation trip took 5 days and centered on 2 cities. macau, china was the first stop from our base in bangkok, thailand.

jp and nok were tied up to work and couldn't come along. i'm just hoping that we could go on a trip as a complete family soon.

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