Saturday 12 July 2008


     I’m one who isn’t easily insulted, some sort of mai phen rai or no probs guy, but what happened today is something that is hard to forgive.

     I just got home from Lotus where I had to buy some diapers for Kailee [or she would be messing the house], and I had to type this one right away just for the record. I took the bus home [2-3 km distance] and I came in contact with Thai culture on politeness, which surpasses Filipino standards. It was a lady in her mid-teens who offered a seat to me. That would be just fine for some but to me it was a great insult.

     Did I really look senile? I know that at my age I still look like I can do 50 pushups or stand on the aisle of a speeding bus and not get tripped. I just couldn’t take the offer but I also didn’t want to rob her of her politeness. It’s good my bus stop came up fast enough, and I got off the moving bus carefully to avoid adding injury to the insult.

Monday 7 July 2008

Four generations

Time stood still for a fraction of a second and captured this rare and wonderful moment of four generations in a grand and splendid pose.

We had to preserve this opportunity after flying home from Bangkok, and while a reunion was still pssible and all four still had each other:

Vicenta Medel-Nartatez - 73,
Jo Ann Nartatez-Moreno - 45,
Lauren Ann N. Moreno - 24 and
Juliane Kailee N. Moreno - 1.

 Kailee's most recent thoughts - November 30, 2022 Hi loloooo Enter Kailee I know this is really sudden but I just wanted to show you th...