Friday 18 April 2008

Breaking news

April 18, 2008 9 pm

Bangkok Thailand: The Songkhran warrior is hospitalized. As of this writing she has been in the hospital for 6 hours. She has LBM and high grade fever. WBC count is 17T. Its actually her first illness ever. The pictures show her in her hospital pajamas in a hospital room. Updates will be posted regularly.

We covet your prayers on her behalf. Thank you.


Kailee's responding well to the medication. Her fever's gone although she had 2 episodes of soft-watery stools yesterday. She's slowly getting back her usual active disposition and couldnt be contained in the hospital room, so we ventured to the 5th floor garden and to the playground.

We thank God for his mercy and for your prayers. Friends and relatives are really a blessing to us. Help yourselves to the added photos.


Her stay in the hospital was exactly 2 days and 2 nights.... but it seemed like a lifetime. You bet we were all exhausted and lighted-headed from lack of really good sleep. Mama Kai not only had to stay up all night, she also had to breastfeed and then go on duty on both days that Kailee was sick. (she needed the pay on those 2 days badly for Kailee's hospitalization cost).

We praise God for sustaining us all and for giving Kailee back her health. Hallelujah!

Monday 14 April 2008

Profile of a Songkhran fighter

Strictly confidential and highly sensitive material. proceed at your own risk.

This seasoned Songkhran water street fighter is the meanest in Bangkok. Her profile is classified material, not intended for the weak of heart.

The fighter alias: "milk sucker"
the weapon: Walther PPK kikay edition [tito Jed's suggestion]

Lethal combination
training session: how to use the gun
a timid fighter to start with
getting mean

taunting her opponents
loaded and cocked
"Stay back lolo... let me take care of this farting son-of-a-watergun"
quick reload

"target" … The tummy?
"I'm your buddy, dont shoot me"

Portrait of the fighter


The most awaited festival of the year – SONG KHRAN. It’s the old Thai New Year and they celebrate it for three days – April 13-15. Mornings are for temple rituals but the afternoons are for water fights on the streets with pickups and motorcycles making the rounds. Blaring music and liquor are also taken out to the streets.

This is my first Songkhran experience and I had to party with the crowd to get a personal analysis of the fun. It was scary in the Khao Sarn road part where the mob was really thick and rowdy. I ventured there with Nick, Annie, Martin and Bigot and we got separated in the melee.

Here are the pictures that I was able to shoot at a safe and protected distance from the water fights.

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