Thursday 18 October 2007

Jobs/Description 2007

An introduction to the Moreno family members and their present jobs and occupations.

Jo ann - International Liaison officer, Yanhee Int'l Hospital
jaypea - ER nurse
Kukie - nurse, int'l admissions counter/call center
kailee - int'l milk sucker
sunni - cook, babysitter, marketer, medical mission volunteer, masseuse, etc
the house 
the street... soi 92
Yanhee as seen from our veranda
front view of Yanhee
view from the river chao phraya

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Cambodia and Laos

Visarun is an exit from Thailand and a reentry on the same day or the next to get a 30-day visa. Ban Laem the border of Thailand and Cambodia and Mukdahan and Savannakhet for Thailand and Laos.

border crossing between thailand and cambodia

cambodian kids begging in the thailand side... no passports needed

welcome sign into cambodia

road conditions in cambodia as compared to thailand 

view of thailand from the cambodia side

main street savannakhet laos

Bruce Brown - an aussie with a big asian heart. in his bar with his laotian wife

Bruce's principle in life... he's a natural born poet

The friendship bridge spanning the great mekong river and connecting laos and thailand

the best tasting beer so far... smb please move over.

 Kailee's most recent thoughts - November 30, 2022 Hi loloooo Enter Kailee I know this is really sudden but I just wanted to show you th...